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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
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I think your cock looks like a pickled gherkin.
« Japanese »
I like gherkin of the pickle your male am think of the being visible of the chicken.
My asshole stinks of raw fish
« Japanese »
Me is not slowly stench of the raw fish is shot
I wave my private parts in your general direction.
« German »
Ich bewege meine privaten Teile in Ihrer allgemeinen Richtung wellenartig.
I move my private parts in your general direction wavelike.
i like to eat pie
« Japanese »
I like the fact that the pie is eaten
by alejandro
« Chinese (simplified) »
Black ghost
Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers. A peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked. If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers, where is the peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked?
« Japanese »
ピーターのパイパーは漬物のコショウのコツコツつつく音を選んだ。 コショウのピーターの漬物のパイパーのコツコツつつく音は選んだ。 ピーターのパイパーが漬物のコショウのコツコツつつく音を選んだら、どこでコショウのピーターの漬物のパイパーのコツコツつつく音は選ばれるか。
Peter's piper chose the sound which the pepper of the pickle picks piece by piece. It chose the sound which the piper of Peter's of the pepper pickle picks piece by piece. When the sound which Peter's piper picks the pepper of the pickle piece by piece is chosen, is the sound which the piper of Peter's of the pepper pickle picks piece by piece somewhere chosen?
by Ben
I disagree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.
« Italian »
Sono in disaccordo con che cosa dite, ma difenderò alla morte la vostra destra dirla.
They are in discord with what you say, but I will defend to the dead women your right to say it.
the things you own end up owning you
« German »
die Sachen beenden Sie Selbst Sie oben besitzen
the things terminate you you above possess
I did not inhale!
« Slovenian »
sem storil ne vdihniti!
I made thingummy whiff!
It is late and I really need to sleep. Fixing my vacation schedule hurts.
« Japanese »
それは遅く、私は実際に眠る必要がある。 私の休暇のスケジュールを固定することは傷つく。
That is slow really to sleep, me necessary. Locking the schedule of my holiday is hurt.
by phlyingpenguin
Nice shirts like you!