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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
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I want to see you peeing.
« Japanese »
I think that we would like to look at that it urinates.
« Icelandic »
smokkur, verja
rubber sheath , defend
i can has cheeseburger
« Dutch »
ik kan heb cheeseburger
I am possible cheeseburger
No bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his country.
« German »
Kein bastard gewann überhaupt einen Krieg, indem er für sein Land starb. Er gewann ihn, indem er das andere arme stumme Bastard bildete, stirbt für sein Land.
No hybrid won at all a war, by dying for its country. It won it, by forming other poor mute hybrid, dies for its country.
We are the change we have been waiting for.
« Russian »
Мы изменение мы ждали.
We change we waited.
weave a circle round him thrice and close your eyes with holy dread for he on honey-dew hath fed and drunk the milk of paradise
« Chinese (traditional) »
A knitting circle circle he three times with are close the eye which you fill dreaded holily his feeding with to drink the heaven milk manna hath
bite my bag.
« Slovenian »
ugriz svoj torba.
sting your wallet.
let us open pandoras box!
« Latin »
permissum nos patefacio pandoras arca archa!
to allow we to disclose to stretch out chest!
Blahblah fish can suck my pimply white ass
« Japanese »
Somehow, the can or the fish can inhale the my pimply white donkey
by Matt
Maybe that hooker actually did have herpes. Son of a bitch.
« Japanese »
多分その売春婦に実際にヘルペスがあった。 ろくでなし。
Perhaps really there was a herpes in that prostitute. It is not the [ro] [ku].
by Matt
Nice shirts like you!