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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
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I would of brought you cookies, but I ate them.
« German »
Ich wurde von Ihnen Plätzchen geholt, aber ich aß sie.
I was gotten by you Plätzchen, but I ate her.
I would of brought you cookies, but I ate them.
« Japanese »
As for me it ate those that it has the cookie.
Criminals are a cowardly and superstitious lot
« Korean »
범인은 비겁한 제비이다
The criminal is the swallow which is mean
by LeFarr
You're a big piggy
« Welsh »
'ch re a 'n fawr piggy
' dogs stud I go ' heartburn large piggy
Grand master ram rod
« Russian »
Штанга штосселя грандиозного оригинала
Rod of the ram of the immense original
I love to dance. Do you like to fish?
« Latin »
EGO diligo ut tripudio. Operor vos amo expiscor?
I to value highly when to leap. To work you to love to fish out?
« Korean »
Thread poison symptoms
by Fluf
« Icelandic »
halda á katli eða fötu, hálfhringlaga uppistaða, annað tveggja þvertrjáa ofan á marki í krikketleik, trygging
bail , bail , annað kvöld tveggja deilda swingletree on top mark into cricketer , guarantee
by Fluf
You are an incredibly beautiful woman. Would you join me for a drink?
« Croatian »
Ti si nevjerojatno lijep žena. Æe te spajanje mene za piæe?
You are a amazingly fast trig woman. Would these unification myself drinkable?
Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.
« Latin »
Persolvo haud intentio ut vir secundum velum.
To unloose no intention when man accordingly sail.
Nice shirts like you!