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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
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Todo dia é um bom dia para aprender algo novo.
« French »
Est toute la journée un beau jour pour apprendre quelque chose nouvelle.
É todo o dia bonito do dia um para aprender algo novo.
by Liana
Men are like parking spots, the good ones are taken and the free ones are handicapped
« Latin »
Men es amo ortus macula , bonus ones es captus quod solvo ones es handicapped
Men are to love birth stain , good ones are taken and to loosen ones are handicapped
Why is the rum always gone?
« Latin »
Quare est rum usquequaque absentis?
Wherefore is rum always absent?
Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out and round up everyone that knows more than they do.
« Korean »
지금 자정에 모든 대리인 및 초인간적인 대원은 나오고 더 많은 것을 알고 있는 모두를 보다는 위로 돈다.
Now all substitutes and a more thing and the great ambition which is superman comes out to midnight and knows all sees comfort goes round.
On top of spaghetti all covered in cheese, i lost my poor meatball when somebody sneezed.
« Latin »
In caput capitis of spaghetti totus occulto in caseus , ego lost meus penuriosus meatball ut aliquid sneezed.
Upon head of spaghetti whole to hide upon cheese , I lost my penurious meatball when someone sneezed.
Are you ready for some balls to the wall action?
« Japanese »
Does preparation of the sphere which is behavior of the wall make?
beijo na boca é coisa do passado. A moda agora é namorar pelado.
« Korean »
입에 있는 키스는 과거의 것이다. 유행은 namorar에 드러낸다 지금 이다.
Beijar que é à boca é perto. A popularidade é o now em que distingue em namorar.
fuck your couch
« Japanese »
Your sofa have sexual intercourse
Hello. My name is Michael and I would like to ride a roller coaster.
« Japanese »
こんにちは。 私の名前はミハエルであり、私はジェットコースターに乗ることを望む。
Today. My name is Michael, I desire the fact that it rides in the coaster.
I prefer straightforward women.
« Norwegian »
JEG foretrekke direkte kvinner.
I choose antipode female.
Nice shirts like you!