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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
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Se gritar pega ladrão, não fica um, meu irmão!
« Czech »
-li až k vykřiknout dotkout se oharek is ne jeden , má bratr!
li para levantar acima someone' o pó para inalações do punho da voz de s não é nenhum a, tem o irmão!
by Nina
On the twelfth day of Christmas, my true love sent to me Twelve drummers drumming, Eleven pipers piping, Ten lords a-leaping, Nine ladies dancing, Eight maids a-milking, Seven swans a-swimming, Six geese a-laying, Five golden rings, Four calling birds, Three French hens, Two turtle doves, And a partridge in a pear tree
« Welsh »
Acha 'r 'n ddeuddegfed ddiwrnod chan Nadolig , 'm 'n ddiau cara 'n anfonedig ata 'n ddeuddeg dabyrddwyr yn tabyrddu , Hun ar ddeg bibyddion yn pibo , Ddeg arglwyddi a - yn llamsach , 'n naw arglwyddesau yn dawnsio , Wyth forynion a - yn godro , 'n saith alarchau a - yn nofio , Chwech gwyddau a - laying , Bum 'n euraid amgarnau , 'n bedwar yn galw adar , 'n dri 'n Ffrengig hieir , 'n ddau chrwban cholomennod , A betrisen mewn ellygwydden
Astride ' group ' heartburn twelfth day with Christmas , ' ores ' heartburn true I love ' heartburn sent to ' heartburn twelve drummers drumming , Eleven pipers piping , Ten lords I go striding , ' heartburn son-in-law ladies dancing , Eight maids I go milking , ' heartburn seven swans I go swimming , Six geese I go laying , Five ' heartburn golden circles , ' heartburn four calling birds , ' heartburn three ' heartburn French hens , ' heartburn two tortoise doves , I Go partridge in pear tree
He's making a list He's checking it twice He's gonna find out Who's naughty or nice Santa Clause is coming to town
« Croatian »
He's stvaranje rub He's ček Internet dvaput He's gonna otkriti Who's neodgojen ili izbirljiv Santa Rečenica je dolazak to grad
He's making limb He's check IT twice He's gonna unveil Who's vulgar or lickerish Santa Sentence had come in this cities
Allons enfants de la Patrie
« German »
Lassen Sie uns gehen Kinder des Vaterlands
Partons des enfants du pays d'origine
To Sherlock Holmes she is always the woman. I have seldom heard him mention her under any other name. In his eyes she eclipses and predominates the whole of her sex. It was not that he felt any emotion akin to love for Irene Adler. All emotions, and that one particularly, were abhorrent to his cold, precise but admirably balanced mind. (A Scandal in Bohemia, Arthur Conan Doyle)
« Welsh »
At Sherlock Holmes dydy beunydd 'r benyw. Ca anaml clywedig 'i chrybwyll 'i dan unrhyw arall enwa. I mewn eiddo chreuau chymyla a predominates 'r chrynswth chanddi hystlen. Bu mo a balfalai unrhyw annwyd 'n berthynasol at cara achos Irene Adler. Pawb chyffroadau , a a hun 'n benodol were abhorrent at eiddo annwyd , 'n fanwl namyn 'n edmygadwy clorianedig dendio. ( Ddrygair i mewn Bohemia Arthur Conan Doyle )
To Sherlock Holmes he is being daily ' group female. I have rarely heard ' I mention ' I we are being any other I name. In his holes I cloud I go predominates ' group mass with sex. He was not I go he felt any cold ' heartburn relevant to I love because hew One May account. Everyone motions , I go I go self ' heartburn designated were abhorrent to his cold , ' heartburn exact except ' heartburn admirable weighed tend. ( Ill Report in Bohemia arthu They Grumble Doyle )
Nicolas Sarkozy est un nain
« Hungarian »
Nikotin Sarkozy van egy törpe
Nicotine Polonais you' ; le VE a obtenu un mannequin
If wolves had at your gate howled that stern time, you should have said Good porter, turn the key, all cruels else subscribed: but I shall see the winged vengeance overtake such children. (King Lear,3.7 with slight liberties taken)
« Korean »
선미 시간 늑대가 짖은 당신 문에 가지고 있던 경우에, 당신은, 돈다 열쇠를 좋은 관리인을 말했음에 틀림없다, 모든 cruels는 그밖에 구독했다: 그러나 나는 볼 것이다 공중을 난 복수는 그런 아이들을 따라잡는다. (Lear, 가지고 가는 경미한 자유에 3.7 임금)
Was having in your door where the stern timely wolf barks and in case, you were incorrect and the key which goes round to saying the good administrator, all cruels subscribed in addition: The air which is to see but the difficulty condensed water overtakes like that children. (Lear, has and in the freedom which is slight 3.7 wages)
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« Icelandic »
heimskur átakanlegur djúpur Smellur á the bros af atkvæði það upp!
fleuve profond émouvant stupide de fente que le sourire avec la voix là conçoivent !
Mon pauvre ami, laissez moi donc vous aider, vous me semblez bien malade. Ce remède vous aidera sans doute. Allons, buvez ! Je vous veux le plus grand bien.
« Slovenian »
svoj uboren prijatelj , vi torej pustiti mi pomoč vi zdeti se mi čisto bolan. to lečilo hoteti nedvomen pomoč vi. pustiti nas teči , pitje! jaz biti brez vi največi dober.
votre sympathisant minable, vous pour conclure la perte nous stand-by vous pour sembler nous jaillissons malsain. ce remède yammer stand-by incontesté vous. perte que nous nous écoulons goutte à goutte, wassail ! veuillez agréer l'expression de nos salutations distinguées pour vouloir pour vous le plus grand dober.
doutor eu não me engano vagabundo é corintiano
« Korean »
닥터는 I 저 부랑자 책략 corintiano가 아니다
O doutor não é mim esse corintiano do estratagema do vagabundo
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