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I'm dreaming of a white Christmas
« Japanese »
I' ホワイトクリスマスの夢を見るm
I' M where you look at white Christmas dream
I'm Mister White Christmas, I'm Mister Snow. I'm Mister Icicle, I'm Mister Ten Below. Friends call me Snow Miser, whatever I touch turns to snow in my clutch... I'm too much!
« Turkish »
I'm sis beyaz Noel I'm sis kar. I'm sis Icicle I'm sis on aşağı. sokulgan seslenmek beni kar mutsuz , her türlü I değmek turnike -e doğru kar içinde benim kavramak. I'm ziyade!
I'm fog white Christmas I'm fog snow. I'm fog Icicle I'm fog ten down. sociable call out to me snow miserable , whatever I be worth turnstile had straight snow in my seize. I'm more!
I'm Mister Green Christmas, I'm Mister Sun. I'm Mister Heat Blister, I'm Mister Hundred and One. They call me Heat Miser, whatever I touch... starts to melt in my clutch...I'm too much!
« Latin »
I'm Caliga Viridis Sarcalogos I'm Caliga Sol solis. I'm Caliga Estus Blister I'm Caliga Centum quod Unus. They dico mihi Estus Miser , quisquis EGO tactus. satus tabesco in meus clutch. I'm nimium!
I'm Darkness Green Christ I'm Darkness Sun. I'm Darkness Heat Blister I'm Darkness A fleet of a hundred ships and One. They to say me Heat Wretched , whoever I sense of feeling. origin to melt upon my clutch. I'm too much!
All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth
« Icelandic »
Aleiga mín vilja fyrir Jól er minn tveir andlit taka tennur
All my wish pay lip service to Plum pudding is my two face take choppers
To be, or not to be--that is the question
« Korean »
이고기 위하여, 또는 이지 않기 위하여--그것은 질문이다
This meat in order, or in order not to be intelligence--It is question
« Chinese (simplified) »
Black ghost
uʍop ǝpısdn ǝʇıɹʍ uɐɔ ı
« Japanese »
ı of uɐɔ of ǝʇıɹʍ of ǝpısdn of uʍop
There is nothing that you can do that I have not already done to myself.
« Danish »
Der er ikke noget at jer kunne lave at Jeg har ikke allerede gennemstegt hen til selv.
There's no that you could get that I've no as early as well-done to themselves.
Pussycat Dolls
« Slovenian »
gnojen puža
ulcerously doll
Pussycat Dolls
« Welsh »
Pussycat Ddoliau
Pussycat Meadows
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