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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
Silly? Shocking? Profound? Click the smiley to vote it up!
superman is awesome and it's my favourite person
« Japanese »
スーパーマンは驚くばかりおよびit'である; s私の好みの人
As for the superman just and it& which are surprised; It is the #039; Person of s my taste
by Loreno
i like clowns
« Japanese »
I like the buffoonery teacher
by Loreno
i want to kick you
« Japanese »
I think that we would like to kick,
by Loreno
You are the most adorable beautiful person I've ever known.
« Japanese »
最も愛らしく美しい人I'である; 知られているve。
The lovely most beautiful person I& It is the #039; Ve which is known.
by kvanger
i am a small boy in a small family
« Japanese »
I am the boy where the small family is small
The cat's whiskers
« Korean »
cat' s 곳수염
cat' s place beards
He who laughs last, laughs longest!
« Chinese (traditional) »
He smiles finally, smiles for a long time!
Hello, would you like some pie?
« Welsh »
Hello , garech rhyw bastai?
l make heavy , you loved sex pasty?
by getumwanna
Are you naturally big breasted?
« Finnish »
Aari te luonnollisesti aikamoinen etupuoli?
Are you naturally rattling breast?
To be or not to be!
« Chinese (traditional) »
The survival destroys!
by niko
Nice shirts like you!