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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
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Fuck Oh!
« Korean »
성교 오오!
Sexual intercourse come!
Fuck me hard and fuck me fast!
« Russian »
Fuck я крепко и fuck я быстро!
Fuck I am strong and fuck I am rapid!
You! What planet is this?
« Welsh »
You! Beth blaned ydy hon?
You! Thing planet he is being this?
If I could turn back time
« Slovenian »
če jaz strjena lava okreniti čas
whether yours truly indurate lava turn back while
I lost my virginity to a Belgian hooker.
« Russian »
Я потерял мою девственность к бельгийскому рыболовному судну.
I lost my virginity to the Belgian fishing vessel.
by tonyr
veggie burger
« Icelandic »
veggie hamborgari
mural Hamburg steak
Three blind mice.
« Croatian »
Tri oslijepiti miševi.
Three cast gloom mice.
Holy shit! Porkchop sandwiches! Get the fuck out!
« Czech »
Svatý hovno! Porkchop sendvič! Dostat košem do prdele mimo!
Sainted shit! Porkchop sandwich! Meet with refusal fuck it without!
I eat rice..
« Japanese »
I eat the United States.
by Terrence
Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do. Jesus
« Portuguese »
O pai, perdoa-os, para eles sabe não o que faz. Jesus
The father, pardons them, for they knows not what he makes. Jesus
Nice shirts like you!