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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
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The earth is not the center of the universe. Ptolemy was wrong, and Copernicus was right.
« Korean »
지구는 우주의 센터가 아니다. Ptolemy는 틀리, Copernicus는 맞았다.
Endurance is not the center of outer space. Ptolemy frame, Copernicus hit.
God is not real!
« Welsh »
Dduw ydy mo 'n sylweddol!
God he is being not ' heartburn substantial!
Has there been a nicer person in America?
« Bulgarian »
Has там p.p. от be a приятен лице in America?
Has there p.p. from be a приятен face in America?
The Blue Pencil?
« Portuguese »
To correct?
Hello my name is John, I am a carpenter with a drinking problem
« Japanese »
Today as for my name John, it is I and it is the carpenter of the problem which drinks
How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
« French »
Combien de bois une marmotte d'Amérique pourrait-elle jeter si une marmotte d'Amérique pourrait jeter le bois ?
How much wood a marmot d' America could it throw if a marmot d' Could America throw wood?
How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
« Greek »
Πόσο ξύλο θα μπορούσε woodchuck να πετάξει εάν woodchuck θα μπορούσε να πετάξει το ξύλο;
How much timber could woodchuck fly if woodchuck it could fly the timber?
How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
« Chinese (simplified) »
How many woods, if the marmot possibly pats the wood, the marmot possibly pats?
What's up, man?
« Spanish »
What' ¿s para arriba, hombre?
What' s for above, man?
O meu querido amigo fonfon é um filho da puta
« Turkish »
benim sevgili arkadaş fonfon bkz. be a oğul -in puta
meu bkz amado do fonfon do companheiro. olá! um enxame do puta do antro das abelhas
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