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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
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i would like to put it in your pooper
« Japanese »
I desire the fact that you put that at your pooper
What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet.
« Japanese »
What' 名前のsか。 私達が他のどの名前によってもばらと呼ぶそれは菓子として臭いがする。
What' S of name? Us as for that it calls the rose with other whichever name smell does as a candy.
Do the stanky leg!
« Icelandic »
Gera the staða fótur!
Do the staða tootsie!
I will be your friend no matter what you put inside your anus.
« Japanese »
I am your friend who is placed in your anus.
English to _________ and back again. See what's lost (or gained) in translation
« Japanese »
再度_______および背部への英語。 what'を見なさい; sは(または得た)失った翻訳で
For the second time English to the _______[oyobi] back section. what& Look at the #039; (Or you obtained s) with the translation which is lost
my tomato's are the best ones on this farm
« Japanese »
私のtomato' sはこの農場の最もよい物ある
My tomato' As for s there are some where this farm is best
Out of sight, out of mind
« Russian »
с глаз долой, из сердца вон
From the sighting, from the reason
Do you like pie?
« Japanese »
The pie which you like?
We gotta go meet my buddy for some heavy boozing!
« Welsh »
Ni gotta cer chwrdd 'm buddy achos rhyw 'n drwm yn diota!
We gotta go meet ' ores red because sex ' heartburn drum tippling!
One day a good man said to me, don't eat that fish it's no good.
« Chinese (simplified) »
一天一个好人对我, don'说; t吃那条鱼it' s没有好。
One day of good person to me, don& #039 said; t eats that fish it' s not good.
Nice shirts like you!