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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
Silly? Shocking? Profound? Click the smiley to vote it up!
Nevermind, I've got it.
« Japanese »
Nevermind、I' veはそれを得た。
Nevermind and I' ve obtained that.
Japaneses have big cocks.
« Japanese »
The male which is large to Japaneses it is there is a chicken.
Japanese have big cocks.
« Japanese »
The male which is large to Japanese it is there is a chicken.
Time is money.
« Icelandic »
Tími er peningar.
While is bank note.
Who cares? It's no like anybody saw you.
« Japanese »
だれが気遣うか。 It' 誰でものようなsのNOは会わなかった。
Someone worries? It' NO of s the thing way with someone did not meet.
Anybody home?
« Serbian »
Bilo ko dom?
Anybody limited space?
I enjoy cookies very much.
« Spanish »
Gozo de las galletas mucho.
Joy of cakes much.
How much wood could a woodchuck chuck, if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
« Japanese »
As for the woodchuck which when the woodchuck can install the wood with the chuck, is possible to install which rank wood with the chuck?
att vara eller icke vara det är frågan
« Slovenian »
to zmnožek ors nots zmnožek je radoveden
den här produkt eller inte produkt där er snoopy
« Croatian »
karati, karati se, fukati, prcati
scold , fuck , fuck , fuck
Nice shirts like you!