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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
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may i insert my enormous penis into your tiny vagina?
« Icelandic »
mega ég bæta inn í minn gífurlegur getnaðarlimur inn í þinn pínulítill leggöng?
be allowed I insert my walloping phallus in thy tiny vagina?
may i insert my enormous penis into your tiny vagina?
« Czech »
moci já dodat má ohavný pyj do tvůj drobounký pochva?
may self supply has hideous phallus up yours tiny stall?
I have a gigantic penis. may I insert it into your gaping anus?
« Japanese »
私に巨大な陰茎がある。 私はあなたの大きく開いたanusにそれを挿入してもよいか。
There is an enormous penis in me. I may insert that in anus which you opened largely?
bloody oath mate
« Japanese »
Companion of oath of blood
quasi modo geniti
« Latin »
quasi modo genitor
als ob jetzt Herr
What if were you hanging up on this wall? If it were you and that sandwich you wouldn't be laughing at all!
« Japanese »
何をこの壁で掛けていたか。 それがあなたおよびそのサンドイッチwouldn' tは全然笑っている!
What was applied in this wall? That you and its sandwich wouldn' You laugh t at all!
Give me back that filet-o-fish! Give me that fish!
« Japanese »
私にその肉付けo魚を与えなさい! 私にその魚を与えなさい!
Give that fleshing out o fish to me! Give that fish to me!
This is just a tribute! You gotta believe me! And I wish you were there! Just a matter of opinion. Ah, fuck! Good God, God lovin', So surprised to find you can't stop it.
« Japanese »
これはちょうど捧げ物である! 私を信じることを得た! そして私はそこにいたことを望む! ちょうど見解上の問題。 ああ、性交! よい神、神lovin' 、 従ってcan'見つけることを驚いた; t停止それ。
It lifts up this exactly and it is the thing! The fact that I am believed was obtained! And I desire the fact that there it is! Exactly problem with respect to opinion. Well, sexual intercourse! Good God and God lovin' Therefore can& The #039 finding you were surprised; t stop that.
« German »
child dead song
Go to hell
« Chinese (traditional) »
Nice shirts like you!