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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
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this pasta is delicious! i want to know the recipe right now!
« Czech »
tato bez is lahodný! já potřeba až k vŘdŘt člen určitý návod dobrý teď!
this without is sweet! self want to know the tip sweet now!
by Luisa
Show me the money!
« Norwegian »
Viser meg pengene!
Demonstrate my bread!
by Brett
You had me at hello.
« Korean »
당신은 저가에 여보세요 있었다.
You woman bond were to low price.
by Brett
I'm here to kick ass and chew bubble gum, and I'm all out of bubble gum!
« Japanese »
I' ろばを蹴り、フーセンガムをかみ砕くmここにおよびI' フーセンガムからのmすべて!
I' You kick the donkey, you reach m here which crunches the Hu plug gum, I' M from the Hu plug gum entirely!
by Brett
Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn.
« Korean »
솔직하게, 나의 귀중한, I don' t는 저주를 준다.
It is frank, me it is valuable, me imprecation widely known it is not.
by Brett
Ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country.
« Croatian »
Pitati ne što tvoj odbrojavanje može ubiti te. Pitati što možete ubiti tvoj odbrojavanje.
Interrogate does not which yours countdown can zap these. Interrogate which you can zap yours countdown.
by Brett
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.
« Japanese »
That the best and that time of the time was worst, was.
by Brett
A long time ago in a galaxy far far away...
« Norwegian »
For lenge siden inne en galakse far far fjerne.
A long time ago in a galaxy father father away.
by Brett
I liked baked beans when I was a child, but now I am older, I much prefer sausages.
« Japanese »
I me was the child, but it is old from now, I the bean which is baked the sausage which is liked greatly the time was liked.
by Jamie
the dragon flew gracefully over the hills, its huge wings sending it soaring over lakes and forests.
« Slovenian »
zmaj viseče ustnice psa ljubek nad gorsko zdravilišee v Indiji , svoj ogromen peruti spodbuda to polet nad jezero ter gozd.
vixen flews venust rising of the hills , your walloping wings whetstone this zip rising of sheet of water and woods.
Nice shirts like you!