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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
Silly? Shocking? Profound? Click the smiley to vote it up!
it is not my fault
« Croatian »
posrijedi je ne moj mana
the case is does not my vice
where is a toilet
« Latin »
qua est a laboro
by which route is a to work
by englberd
Smoking is harmful to health
« Latin »
Smoking est obnoxius ut valetudo
Smoking is harmful when health
by englberd
You are mistaken, there is god!
« Japanese »
God it is misunderstood, it is there!
Jesus loves to eat meat, butter and corn.
« Korean »
예수는 고기, 버터 및 옥수수를 먹는 것을 사랑한다.
Jesus loves the fact that eats the meat, the butter and the corn.
poker face
« Italian »
fronte di mazza
mace forehead
Nice Shoes want to have sex?
« Italian »
I pattini piacevoli vogliono avere sesso?
The pleasant ice-skates want to have sex?
my facebook is not so fast...i need to do something fast
« Croatian »
moj facebook nije na taj način brz. trebam obaviti nešto brz
my facebook is not to this mode brz. I need complete somewhat brz
Please give me some sljivovica to get through this day like a plane
« Croatian »
Molim Vas dajte mi neki sljivovica da biste dobili preko ovaj dan poput planira
Please give me certain sljivovica to get via this day like the plans to
by tomo
keep it simple stupid
« Japanese »
Simple foolishness maintain that
Nice shirts like you!