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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
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I love Kristina Matijasic very much
« Japanese »
I love [kurisuteina] Matijasic very
Like shooting fish in a barrel
« Greek »
Όπως τα ψάρια πυροβολισμού σε ένα βαρέλι
As the fishes of gunfire in a barrel
Like shooting fish in a barrel
« Italian »
Come i pesci della fucilazione in un barilotto
Like the fish of the execution in a keg
everything that we own is not ours. It is made in hell and sent in heaven to be just borrowed to us on the Earth
« Japanese »
私達が専有物私達のものではないことすべて。 それは地獄でなされ、ちょうど地球の私達に借りられるべき天で送られる
We without being monopolized thing our ones entirely. You can do that at the hell, you are sent with the heaven which it should you borrow to us of the earth exactly
Honey, I am home!
« Chinese (traditional) »
The honey, I am a family!
What do you expect me to do now, boss?
« Serbian »
Šta činiti te očekivati mene raditi zatim , gazda?
Tugovati act you await me do afterward , bartender?
How will I express my feelings for you now that I have discovered you are a cheating bitch!
« Japanese »
Because me I discovered the fact that it is the female dog which how is cheated, express my feeling because of you!
work sucks i know she left me roses by the door
« Japanese »
As for work her leaving the rose to me by the door I am informed, it inhales
i am very horny now, and i want to lick your neck
« Japanese »
I now am the keratin very, we would like to lick your neck,
The winner of elections in Croatia will be Milan Bandic
« Hungarian »
A győztes -ból választások -ban Horvátország lesz Milánói Indiai erszényes borz
THE winning ból options ban Croatia will be Milanese Bandicoot
Nice shirts like you!