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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
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You taught me everything about a poison apple...
« Japanese »
In me whom you taught everything concerning the poison apple…
i want to get in your pants tonight
« Italian »
voglio ottenere stasera in vostri pantaloni
I want to obtain this evening in your pants
You are a handsome man, would you like to join me for a drink?
« Dutch »
U is een knappe mens, u zou willen zich bij me voor een drank aansluiten?
YOU are nice people, you would want connect yourself at me for a spirits?
im going to sucker punch you in the balls
« Icelandic »
im að fara til sogskál kýla þú í the bolti
dust snuggle up to go to sucker swipe you into the ball
Oh My God !
« Korean »
[map] Death by fire!
English to spanish and back again. See what's lost (or gained) in translation
« Spanish »
Inglés-español y trasero otra vez. Vea what' s perdió (o ganó) en la traducción
English-Spanish and buttock again. He sees what' s lost (or it won) in the translation
How did you do that all by yourself?
« Korean »
당신은 어떻게 그것을 혼자서 했는가?
You it how about from alone?
Pure flair of Ronaldinho and Juventus' stupid defence made two-times frag of Manningers goal
« Croatian »
Čist cijep od Ronaldinho i Juventus' omamljen obrana je napravio dva - vrijeme nježan od Manningers cilj
Virginal flail with Ronaldinho plus Juventus' torpid weapon made two time lithesome with Manningers terminus
I just when i seduced her, her dad knocked the door to her room and pointed the machine gun in my head.
« Norwegian »
JEG rettferdig når jeg lokke henne , henne pappa banket døren å henne rom og pekte ut apparatet gevær inne meg leder.
I a fair way when I coax her , her dad beat door to her location and pointed out appliance gun in my administrator.
prodajem pečene piliće
« Japanese »
piliće of pečene of prodajem
Nice shirts like you!