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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
Silly? Shocking? Profound? Click the smiley to vote it up!
Good night to all, and to all a merry drunken christmas.
« Japanese »
Everything be completed cripes to everything cheerful Christmas which becomes drunk.
this is really a bunch of crap
« Croatian »
ovaj je stvarno hrpa od isprdak
this had you really mow with crap
mind over matter
« Chinese (traditional) »
In question brains
mind over matter
« Chinese (simplified) »
In question brains
The French deserve a fate worse than death.
« Italian »
I francesi meritano un destino più difettoso della morte.
The French deserve a defective destiny of the dead women.
more is less
« Japanese »
From many a little are
I am the master of the universe! Everything that exists belong to me
« Japanese »
私は宇宙のマスターである! あるすべては私に属する
I am master of outer space! A certain everything belongs to me
i fucked in my pants
« Japanese »
I had sexual intercourse with my pants
i am very lazy and i want to you have a problem with that?
« Korean »
나는 아주 게으르 당신은 그것에 대한 문제가 있는 sleep.do에 원하는가?
Me to quite do [u] [lu] you about it want in where has a problem?
Vai, vai, vai, vai, vai, ná ná ná, ná ná ná, vai vai vai vai, ná ná ná ná ná ná, vai vai vai vai...
« Finnish »
Se goes , se goes , se goes , se goes , se goes , kotona ainoa kotona ainoa kotona , ainoa kotona ainoa kotona goes goes goes goes , kotona ainoa kotona ainoa kotona ainoa kotona ainoa kotona ainoa kotona goes goes goes goes…
Vai, ele vai, ele vai, ele vai, ele vai, dentro somente dentro somente dentro, simplesmente dentro somente em vai vai vai vai, dentro somente dentro somente dentro somente dentro somente dentro somente em vai vai vai vai…
by Deyvis
Nice shirts like you!