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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
Silly? Shocking? Profound? Click the smiley to vote it up!
I don't give a fucking shit about that girl.
« Welsh »
Gwisga t anrhega a fucking cacha am a bachgennes.
I dress tower I present I go fucking I shit about I go girl.
I would really like to know what precisely constitutes dark matter.
« Korean »
나는 진짜로 정확하게 암흑 물질을 구성하는 무슨이 알고 싶으면.
I accurately with realness, composes the dark matter this to know, when wants.
by Anon11235813
"You sound kind of knowledgeable about that. Robot porn was it?" Overheard in class.
« Korean »
" 당신은 그것에 관하여 지식이 있는의 종류를 소리가 난다. 로봇 포르노는 그것이었는가? " 종류에서 도청하는.
" You about it is born is a knowledge type sound. Was the robot porno it? " Taps from type.
by Anon23
"You sound kind of knowledgeable about that. Robot porn was it?" Overheard in class.
« Japanese »
" 種類のそれについての知識があるを鳴る。 ロボットポルノグラフィーはそれだったか。" クラスでふと耳にされる。
" There is a knowledge concerning that of type you sound. Was the robot pornography that? " In class it makes suddenly the ear.
by Anon23
Would you mind pointing me to the nearest library? I have a book to return
« Japanese »
最も近い図書館を私を指すことを気にするか。 私に戻る本がある
The closest library it designates that it points to me as the air? There is a book which returns to me
Teacher, an alligator have invaded the office of supreme hotdogs! We have to save the baby elephants before they explode!
« Japanese »
教師は、わに最高のホットドッグのオフィスに侵入した! 私達はそれらが爆発する前に赤ん坊象を救わなければならない!
The teacher invaded the office of the alligator highest hot dog! We before those explode, must rescue the baby elephant!
Either you entered too much text or we're really busy. Please Try again!
« Japanese »
あなたたくさんのテキストをまたはwe'は書き入れた; 再実際に使用中。 もう一度試しなさい!
The hole it hits, the text or we& You wrote the #039; In the midst of re-really use. Try once more!
Pikachu uses lightning! It's super effective! Wild Abra feinted.
« Japanese »
Pikachuは電光を使用する! It' sの極度の有効! 野生のAbraはfeinted。
Pikachu uses the electric light! It' The extreme validity of s! As for Abra of wildness feinted.
Who the hell do you think i am?!
« Japanese »
Someone thinks of me, it is?!
My name is Bang! I am a great ninja of the ikaragura clan. I am a warrior of peace and justice!
« Japanese »
私の名前は強打である! 私はikaraguraの一族の大きいninjaである。 私は平和の戦士および正義である!
My name is hard blow! I am ninja where the whole group of ikaragura is large. I am the soldier and justice of peace!
Nice shirts like you!